понедельник, 19 января 2015 г.


Friendship is a relationship of mutual affection between two or more people.
There are many valuable things in life, but friendship may be one of the most important. To live life without the experience of friendship, is life without living. Human interaction is a necessity to survival, but developed friendships are essential to the successful well being of anyone.
Good friends are wonderful. They're there to support you and to help you. They make you laugh and feel good. Friends are very important in our lives. Friendships are easily formed when we are young and do not demand too much out of it. A person who has true friends in life is lucky enough Friendship makes life thrilling. It makes life sweet and pleasant experience. Friendship is indeed, an asset in life. It can lead us to success or to doom. It all depends on how we choose our friends.
Friendship is both good and necessary. Man cannot live all alone. He is a social being. He needs someone to share his joys and sorrows. Generally, it is only the people of the same age, character and background, mentality, etc., who can understand him and understand his problems. Friends are needed for support and for sharing. Friendship is an elixir which is essential for a happy life.
Friendship is one of the most precious gifts of life.

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