вторник, 14 октября 2014 г.

Are women better parents than men

Everyone is equal. No one is better than the other. Men are physically stronger and  faster. Man is the tree of the family and  woman is its branches who   takes care of its leaves. Without  branches the tree cannot survive,   So Women are also strong.  It  doesn't mean every human is like that. It's in general. Everyone is different  with its own character and behavior so we should accept humans as  he or she is. We are  the creatures of the nature  so Nobody should be above, or below the  other. Everyone has its role and place especially in the family, My  ideal model of the family is lovely parents who respect each other, love and respect should be all the time. Being a teenager , trying to build my future I  should say honestly that without   love, care and support of my father and mother I can't imagine my every day. I can't judge a large group of people and say they are all the same in this aspect. But I would like to see ideal families about which I have already mentioned. It is the dream of every child of my age.

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