We live in a better world than our grandparents did, because...
Our natural and man-made resources are better than our grandparents' such as water, food, and life in general. We have better medicine and treatments for diseases such as, the flu, cold etc. We also have better education because you don't get whacked every time you misbehave, and that lowers your ability to learn as much as you would if you didn't get whipped.
We also have better technology than our grandparents. Back then you had to send telegrams, which took a while to reach the person you are sending the message to. These days, if you want to communicate with a distant relative, you can call them or possibly Facetime them instead of having to wait a couple weeks. We have better food because the food companies try to give their coustermers the best possible food without bacteria.
Years ago, there were many wars and not many countries that were diverse. Today we live in a diverse community. We are also protected from wars and also, medical treatments have become more advanced during these several years.
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